my parents only care about my grades


A family counselling session is needed. My family puts me down and make me feel horrible to the point where I feel like killing myself. Demeaning and comparison by parents is so much that most of the kids starts doing what others are doing rather then choosing their own profession. I'm 29 this year, having suicidal thoughts become normal to me till one day I decided to become my own self-motivator. That means they care about you. Plan to move up to the front row, keep an organized assignment pad, find a quiet place to work, do your best, and your grades will go up, guaranteed. When I slip up in an assignment or test, they zero in on it and start to talk to me as if I'm nothing but a mistake to them. I lost many years of my life to anxiety, depression, frustrations, dealing with feeling held back, "unfree", feeling like I cannot make anything happen in my life because oh where or whom I came from. AND when i say parents i mean my daf and my grandma bc i live with them And telling them they are stupid and him telling to our face our mother is stupid and barely graduated with cs and Ds and what a cold fish she was a in bed with him ! Parents often believe it's their responsibility to motivate their kids to care about their grades. At the end of the day I'll just say I never really loved her but I do. I wouldn't want to cause them pain, and I have just naturally never fought for my life. But why, would I ever intentally harm anyone or anything? Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on July 06, 2018: My mom's biological mother was almost never there for my mom at all, she was getting drunk and partying, but luckily my nana took in my mom and have her a stable childhood. He thought I was just a real close friend of the family! Unless your child is incapacitated (heaven forbid), this is not okay. WHat should I do? I know where I've come from, what I've endured and experienced, and I've let others know about my life experience too; so if I go, people at least will know. Talk to a school counselor regarding your parents. they try to get me to wake up at insane times on weekends to work and get angry when i sleep through my alarm. I am ok looking. Smothering your child will lead to resentment later in life, and it is not a healthy way to raise children. But for some reason my parents are the only ones not proud of her. Parents must realize that children are individuals & that they DON'T OWN their children. No I don't! I have tried talking to them calmly and they, especially my dad just don't listen. I was always pretty tame and sensible-ish, but it is phenomenal that no matter how far away I got myself away from her and tried to succeed on my own, I had a sense of guilt, mixed with impulsivity and hyperactivity and anger and helplesness. Question: Why did my dad always make me feel like I'm dependent, that I need help with money, and that I can't do anything without him? Question: Do overprotective parents bring honesty or a lack of confidence in their children? Answer: Your mother wants the best for you. Everything I wear, the way I look (hereditary), my choice of friends, my interests and hobbies are just wrong according to her and deserving of condemnation. Treated me very well and gave me lots. Of course in the darkest moments, you think of hurting others. He started me up on sleeping pills that made the night terrors mutate and anti depressants that zombified me. His friends would be out in the yard drinking beer with him I knew I should not be in earshot cuz that's man talk not for a lil girls ears so I was to be with my mother wherever she went and I was emotionally neglected. You can't learn if you don't try. Takedown request | View complete answer on One day, your parents won't be there and you wish they were. A child's GPA is not always an accurate reflection of their innate intellectual capacity. Struggling to cope with things beforehand were fine to me. Family vote once upon a Time my dad's vote was to be counted as 3pts mom2ots bros1pt me,? She once read my diary which I wrote about how I feel unappreciated, useless because of all the things she said to me. Im sick and tired. All my mom has ever done is try to help. i also forgot to add i really badly wanted a phone im 14 and my cousins are younger then me and also there are some older then me i planned of what phone im going to get of coarse apple i told my mom and she said that she doesn't have enough money for it and then my cousin asked the one who is a year older then me she is getting him a phone on black friday last year my mom got phones for my aunt and one of my cousins, i remmember when my mom gets mad she tells me to die and that if i was dead it would be easier for the family and that she wouldn't have to constantly yell at me my mom says that im a disgracful peice of shit to this family, funny how all 10 describe my parents your typical asian parents also such a coincidence my mother was talking to my younger cousin over the phone she's i think 12 and im 14 and she's comparing her and my sister with me always telling my flaws to others and making a bad picture of me i feel humiliated and disgraced of myself i hate myself of who i am now i think of myself lowly now my self esteem is destroyed now no matter how much i talk back to that voice of negitivity i lose every time it proves to me that this is what I am a peice of shit and nothing more my mother never shows her love to me it was always my sister and my mother and father only care about my grades that is it i struggle with math and i stepped from a D to an B and then something happened between witch caused me to drop my grade down to a D again and they gave me a 2 hour lecture about how im nothing without my grades and that if i don't step up my grades they will send me to a hostel my hobby is art is shut down i live art and no one can stop me from doing what i love so lunch at school or secret art classes is the only time i get to do the thing i love, Amazing how all 10 describe my parent i guess that's just typical asian parent(chinese descent), all my school and university of my choice got shot down, all jobs,hobby, and things that i like to do,even if i tried taking over the family business like they themself WANTED all shot down, demanding a perfect girlfriend,all my female friend got shot down no one can stand my parent,and they demand grandkids,now i don't even want to marry or have children, i tried talking to my grandma and other relative that is "higher" in position than them,they talk to my parent,then they change for the better for about 1 week..after that they become worst than the last and how dare i talk about bad thing about them to the relative and shaming them, i tried bringing them to the psychologist,they got advice bla bla,same thing happen 1 week wonderful parent,after that they become worst and worst, i tried cutting off contact and they harping to all my relative and acquaintance of how ungrateful and bad children i am,if i really want to cut off from them i have to cut off from other family member and friend that i have or they will try to find out where i am from them and destroy my life again and again and again, oh and how super religious they are how active they are in church they are literally think themself as holyman that cannot do any wrong,smiting me for how evil i am but they are not looking at the mirror themself of how they think they are servant of god and how they really act,i even tried talking about their situation with the help of the bible i quote some verse and they smite me again about how dare i use the bible against them. It is best for you to disassociate from him & his family. I'm pretty intelligent but can't do the school thing. not to also mention i was always put down and always compared to my brother. So I was destined to be a servant. But what if there was a better way to inspire change in your kids? My Parents Don't Like my Partner (Boyfriend or Girlfriend), High Pressure for High Grades Leads to High Kids, Effective Ways to Talk to Your Kids so They will Listen, Boosting Your Child's Performance: Encouraging Self-Motivation, Why You Need To Sleep On It: Sleep Helps Your Brain Consolidate New Memories, Why Kids Don't Tell Their Parents They Are Being Bullied, And How To Spot The Signs. Yet it always baffles me that everyone else seems to get a "Do whatever makes you feel happy" and no one bats an eye. If your parents are not receptive to counselling, go by yourself. Are good grades more important than being nice? I bombed the second time around, nerves. Yeah right to my face and I was only 11or 12! Find other relatives who love & care for you. How I would trade all of those gifts back to have gotten positive reinforcement. I just want to let you know "anonymous" and "no account please" I think you are both really special and strong! "We just want you to be better off and financially secure" that's a load of crap. It really hurt me and now I tend to stay away from her which only makes her shout more. You call in the help phoned sometimes, but they are often kids or inexperienced I don't know I'm not passing judgment but we never click, I just end up getting disconnected. My goodness. I'm doing this for me. Hey I am Fatima my mother is selecting her own opinion in my career she didn't give me any chance to study by my wish I Wana be in army but she don't understanding and she is doing what she wants what I do now? Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on August 03, 2018: Please seek counselling. An extremely conscientious A student of average ability may have to study all night to obtain those A's while a C student of above-average ability may be bored with school and have a more relaxed attitude towards their studies. Their overprotectiveness affects me in all areas of my life I can't associate with ppl, I can't make friend even in the choir, ppl say I'm rude and lack manners but I don't understand hw. by | May 25, 2022 | why does kelly wearstler wear a brace | diy nacho cheese dispenser | May 25, 2022 | why does kelly wearstler wear a brace | diy nacho cheese dispenser I feel like if I'm not serving someone, my life has no purpose. So if a young one dares to have a unique, creative, and innovative thought or idea, it is squashed and often labeled as outlandish and weird because nobody else thought of it! I just want to cry most of the time. Please, help me. Instead, parents should encourage their children to pursue their dreams and let them figure out if their dreams and goals are reachable or impossible. I believe in you and I don't even know you! Question: My mom only cares about my grades more than me and is a control freak. Correction and discipline are meant to improve and enhance a child's sense of self and help a child become self-disciplined, self-motivated, and self-determined. Childhood is a time to freely explore, try on different personas, and fall on your face. Do you mean they don't make the figures you want me to make? Maybe is because Im from a hispanic culture, but to me, parents are the absolute law. You contact their professors, because you didn't like a grade/want to ask for clarification on an assignment/want to ask for an absence to be excused/want to ask for an extension on an assignment due date. Question: After not being able to date and having your critical narcissistic mother and kind/go-along father force your career, marrying a violent man, would you say my problems stem from low self-esteem? they also tend to complain that i act very childish and become really agitated when i put other people who aren't family above them. The thing is I don't feel like useless.I wanna fight and continue..maybe one day eveyhing will turn.I will continue AND NEVER SURRENDER!!! We want to hear from you! You have no idea how much this sounds like my relationship with my parents. Create a positive environment where the child feels that they are loved and respected. These people are firm believers that their offspring should be carbon copies of them with similar characteristics, interests, and goals. They taught me to shoot for the stars because if I . and if you ask me.. i dont care as much about grades, for me.. if i know that im good in that specific subject but i still get low grades it doesnt really matter to . It costs quality money to get quality help. To Everyone being castigated , Blindsided . But would be a beauty if I had confidence. Please get help. Dad is happy to just follow on a stronger mom simply because it absolves him of the responsibility. But it's not enough for them!!! I do everything my homework I go to tutoring, I even prepare to exam that is gonna be 4 years later! This led to stunted emotional development and made it hard to have a normal level of self-esteem. If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. In reality I had tons of Ds and a few Fs, barely graduated with a really shitty GPA. Friends need to settle their own problems. I too had only my dog (& my grandma 4,000 miles away) who loved me.My "dad" was narcissist; and mentally, emotionally, & psychologically abusive.My "mom" was physically anusive to me. The first therapist was more faith/spirit minded. Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on August 27, 2018: Speak w/ a trusted teacher who will refer you to a trusted counselor. Toothache In Children: Tips That Can Help Parents Out Before They Make It To The Dentist. Enter to win here! She decided I was stupid before I even started school, because my bright older brother was a serious child and I was a normal kid. Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on April 01, 2018: Get counselling & LEAVE THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. i really dont know what to do at this point, it seems the only way ill get out of this is by dying and im really close to doing it. Once she told me you will never be a boy so stop pretending to be one. I don't think she knows how to help me anymore. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. They gave me a opportunity to do it up on a stage. Discover short videos related to parent only care about grades on TikTok. I'd be better if being fertilizer to sustain something else life. Parents often believe that if they extol the positive characteristics of siblings and other children to their so-called errant child, their own child will improve. Parents care more about their child's grades than the child itself. Really I'd put my soul in it. Which would explain why, when I started driving, i can't help myself and end up redlining the engine on the highway. 1 Reply More posts from r/SuicideWatch 394K subscribers No_Investigator_7700 7 days ago (She's 92 and can't live for much longer). I rather not say my full name on July 25, 2020: So some of that did happened to me .My parents always compare me to my best friend cause she smarter than me and more talented and it make me feel left behind whenever I beside her . I just photoshopped my report card my entire highschool career. POSTED IN School, grades, problems with my parents, my parents are way-strict. my mom does all this to me. and it lowers my self-esteem. Instead they were far too often sordid and filled with a sort of silent emotional fury. Support the choices they make and the lifestyles they want to live. What your mother is doing to you is beyond horrific. Answer: It is called denial. Parents should strive to take their own egos out of the equation and instead focus on what the child needs. Question: Why do my parents always compare me to my sister? But a lot of the times i feel like i dont deserve any praise so i just stand and listen to people talk about her. Most parents, unfortunately, have this mindset. Title says it all.. My parents only care about my grades. All three of us are crippled to think on our own and in deep resentment and depression. Such as overspending? Sick of It. I don't think I'd fight back if someone choked me to death. So fuck it, lol. Every parent aspires to set their child up for success in adulthood, but pressuring . They feel that if their children are just like them, everything will be harmonious and stress-free. scars on my Back ! But of course my older sister and my mum constantly shout at me saying that i am going to fail all my exams, that i am hopeless and a disgrace. Explain to them why it is important that they listen to you as a parent but give them some leeway and some freedom as well. And this country has become a country of snowflake children. Anyone else would give up and leave, or at least up to this point everyone has but her. They are abusive & toxic. It was how my mom and dad were raised. Please talk to a trusted relative. Guest Question: I think my parents wanted a perfect child instead they got me. You are a worthwhile, beautiful person. Today I am 21, turning 22 at the end of the year & I suffer very bad PTSD, trauma, depression, and suicidal tendencies. I thought it was pretty darn cute and, to be honest, I was . Your parents & brothers are toxic-GET AWAY FROM THEM! 10 checks for me and now I felt really empty. Dad were raised especially my dad 's vote was to be counted as 3pts mom2ots bros1pt me?. Feel like killing myself child itself brothers are toxic-GET away from them!!!... Their kids to care about their grades my report card my entire highschool career which would explain why, I! Us are crippled to think on our own and in deep resentment and.... That is gon na be 4 years later of self-esteem to set their child #! And company names shown may be trademarks of their innate intellectual capacity get angry when I driving... 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